
闇龍紀元---Dragon Age---密技

在Dragon Age in_ship下找daorigins.exe點右鍵建立捷徑
例如""E:Program FilesDragon Age in_shipdaorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole
也就是在2個" "的後面加上(空格)-enabledeveloperconsole
了(PS:用~之後再打cheat code不會顯示在畫面上.打完之後要加Enter)

runscript zz_addapproval X ZZ(X是人物代碼 ZZ是要加的好感度值)
i.e runscript zz_addapproval 1 50
1 - Alistair
3 - Morrigan
5 - Shale
6 - Sten
7 - Zevran
9 - Eiliana

unscript addxp X - X=amount 加經驗值
runscript zz_money X - X=amount i.e. 100 gold is 1000000 加錢
runscript zz_addparty NPCname - Add party member by name 直接把隊友加入隊伍
runscript ai off - Turns off AI 關閉AI
runscript zz_givearmor - Adds Dragonbone Legion Armor to inventory會在你身上穿上

runscript addtalent X - i.e. runscript addtalent 4020 would add Rogue to the active player/party member(直接開啟專精職業)
runscript removetalent X - Removes talent
rcane Warrior: 4012
Champion: 4013 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Assassin: 4014 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Bard: 4015 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Berserker: 4016 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Blood Mage: 4017
Shapeshifter: 4018
Reaver: 4019 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Rogue: 4020 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Templar: 4021
Warrior: 4022 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Mage: 4023
Spirit Healer: 4025
Ranger: 4029 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Duelist: 4030 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Shale: 4033
War Dog: 4034 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.